Most women wish to have long and flowing hair, but some women still struggle to obtain the long look no matter how long they have allowed their hair to grow. Because of this fact they can easily use hair extensions to help them easily achieve the look that would like to have. Despite if you have curly or thin hair you are still able to successfully use hair extensions. Sew in Hair Extensions are an example that you can utilize your wanted look.
These can also be referred to weave hair extensions as well. Much like the name suggests these extensions are easily sewn into or even braided into the hair on your scalp. Braiding tracks into your natural hair is the first step to fixing the extensions. The tracks that are used can also be curved, horizontal and even vertical based on the way the head contours. A good stylist will be able to successfully blend the hair tracks in such a way to your natural hair so that it goes undetected.
One of the biggest pros to using sewn in hair is the fact that you can quickly achieve your desired long locks in a relatively short amount of time instead of having to try and patiently wait months for your natural hair to grow out on its own. Those long flowing locks can be yours just as fast as your stylist can sew them in. Utilizing these extensions does not require you to make a drastic change to your appearance. Simply put this means that your hair can remain braided despite your daily use of styling tools such as a curling iron or flat iron. If you suffer from hair loss, then you can rest assure that these are a great way to help you once again feel confident.

If your hair is slowly becoming thinner, you have two options. Grit your teeth and bear it or go in for a hair extension process. This involves attaching additional hair to the hair that you already have so that you appear to have a fuller head of hair than you actually do. Apart from all other considerations, you will have to choose between extensions which are made of synthetic material or those made out of real human hair. Even as far as human hair goes, there are two varieties available - Remy Hair and hair which is not Remy. While synthetic and non-Remy hair may come cheaper, Remy presents a much more realistic appearance to your extension.
The reason why Remy Hair is so much more natural is because it retains the cuticle that is present on the hair shaft. These cuticles are what help your hair align in the same direction and thereby not get tangled. Also, the cuticles which come with Remy Hair help to lock in essential moisture and protect the hair from the elements. This type is definitely superior and preferred in high quality extensions. There will definitely be a price difference, but the quality and appearance far out-weigh the price. You will definitely feel the difference yourself as this type of extension is applied to your own head.
And finally, Remy Hair can be set, curled or coloured without any ill effects. You cannot do these things with man-made hair because it might melt if exposed to the high temperature of a curling iron or other heating devices. For these reasons, we feel you would be better off choosing Remy Hair which will let you live your life in the same way you would with your own hair. This type of hair is offered in different types of extensions such as bead-tip, bond-tip, wefts as well as clip in extensions. This type will give you a natural look, and the price will become a non-issue as your confidence is increased as a result of your stunning new look. Losing hair is a natural occurrence in most women, so make sure that you supplement with the real thing. No one will be able to tell the difference with this type. The cut and how it lays with your existing head of hair is what sets Remy apart from other natural hair extensions.
Hair weaving is a growing fashion trend accepted by women of all ages across the globe. It is a hairstyle that gives a neat look and also enhances the natural beauty of the wearer. This comfortable and easy-to-maintain style is an age-old haircut that lost its value in the years between but in the recent years the rejuvenated form has gained much popularity. The refreshed form of hair weave is now accepted by known stars and celebrities, thus making it even more ubiquitous. This acceptance by known celebrities has given a new direction and form to the trend in the fashion world.
There are various different ways hair weaving can be done. Each form has its unique appeal and is an easy way for getting an instant change in the overall personality. Look into the following and explore some of the trendiest forms of hair weaves:
Human Hair Weave: Human hair weave is a form of weaving that is styled using real hair of someone who have sacrificed their tresses for some or the other reason. This kind gives a natural look but the only problem faced is getting the appropriate match in terms of colour and texture.
Synthetic Hair Weave: Synthetic hair weave is done using artificial weaves that are braided into micro-braids or simply twisted to make a unique pattern. These are temporary attachments used to offer a different look.
Curly Weaves: Curly weaves are achieved by braiding curly extensions to the hair strands. This can only be done by a professional hair stylist. It requires lot of care and maintenance especially while washing and drying hair.
Bonded Weaves: These weaves are attained by attaching the extensions to small sections of natural hair using bonding glue adhesive. Getting this type of weave is a costly affair and requires lot of care especially when getting it removed. If not done properly or removed properly it can cause a permanent damage to the hair. The life of bonded weaves is about one to two months and it should be removed prior to the bonds getting loose.
Fusion Weave: Fusion weave is also a tricky method but gives a striking and fuller look to the wearer. It is achieved by dividing hair into small sections and then attaching the extensions using hot wax. Fusion weaves tend to last to approximate two or three months and is comparatively more expensive than the bonded weaves.
It's all about personal preference when a woman decides to invest in a human hair weave. Countless debates are written on the concept of devices that alter ones own natural beauty. Breast augmentation, lower body parts augmentations, injections of poisons into their faces, teeth whitening and caps, nose jobs, eye brow plucking, lip injections, make-up, hair colouring and the list goes on of the numerous things one can have done to oneself in order to alter ones look.
What reason would a person have to want to go through such lengths? Is it to attract the attention of another person, to build self esteem or to fit in to society's concept of beauty? If people were not constantly bombarded with magazine ads displaying faces of those whom we're told are the beautiful people in them or besieged with movie and television story lines that describe for us what is beautiful and what is ugly would we instinctively know what makes someone beautiful?
The basic instinct of most species is for the male to go to great lengths to attract the female. The male peacock spreads its colourful feathers and performs a dance. The male lion wears a head full of hair for its mane. The male black widow spider well we won't go into what he has to do to get a female black widow spider to lay down with him and live to wake up the next day.
But the human species seems to have it backwards. The female of our species rush out to alter themselves based on ideas of what is beauty so that they might attract a male and procreate. They're told long hair promotes femininity and sensuality so they get weaves and extensions to attract a man. They're told an hourglass figure promotes the idea of a fertile woman for men and a woman who can bare child birth and rearing so they get breast implants to alter their figures. They're told bad breath is offensive so they brush their teeth. Seriously though, there's a reason we have several salons in towns offering hair weaving and extension stylists.
Women want to feel and look beautiful. Women want to recapture their youth. Women want the glamour that they think long locks will bring them. If the attaching of another human's filamentous outgrowth of dead cells from the skin to your cranium helps a woman express self confidence then more power to her.
Wearing the illusion and creating a different style for only a special occasion or every so often time period isn't as satisfying as trying to carry off a persona not her own for up to two months or a year. Frequent visits to the salon become her sanctuary from the dullness of every day life her gossip connections and female bonding times. Despite the damage falsifying her hair can do to her emotional psyche, actual hair texture and growth, and potential hazardous health problems a woman wants men to think she's sexy and exciting.
The irony about presenting herself as something other than what she truly is comes when men find this out and feel deceived. They imagined being able to caress those long silky locks, run their fingers through them, smell the fragrant aroma of clean and healthy hair. But instead their hands are slapped away. They're told don't touch. They wind up spending time distracting themselves with other interests, instead of her, waiting for her to return from an emergency visit to the salon to adjust the hairdo.
And in the end of this investment into the world of having a human hair weave the woman will come away with less than she anticipated. Her natural hair line will have receded and thinned. Bald patches, split ends and breakage will have replaced natural hair that could have been conditioned to be luscious and beautiful. And the man she sought to attract will have been lured away by another woman who could afford an even more natural looking weave than hers.
You can do almost everything with human hair weave and extensions. Search for some brown, blonde, red or black hair weave styles. In conclusion, it will be in your best interest to speak with your stylist about how they will be applying the sewn in extensions!
If you want to find out more visits: Hair Weaving Reviews